Monday 31 December 2012

Otto's first taste of real freedom

It's New Years eve. As usual I went to spend time with Otto but today was different. Today was a milestone. I decided to take a huge gamble and let him out. Otto is very trusting of me now, so today is the day. I prepared myself and opened the enclosure door. With the lure of some tasty fish he was out. As soon as he was outside, he started making high pitched chirping sounds. These sounds are used to let mother and cub keep in contact with one another. Within a couple of minutes he was investigating his new found freedom. He stayed close to me and when presented with some fish, he would take it back into his enclosure to eat it. My main worry was that he would take off...he didn't. He was in and out several times and always stayed close to me. This is a giant leap for Otto, and the first step in his leaving home. I will do this every day now, little at a time until we can venture further afield. Hopefully soon I can show him the bay and all the wonders it holds.

A fantastic day indeed........Happy New Year to you all :)

first smell of freedom
up and over...
nearly there...
out and about
Brave New World

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